baldur norse mythology

Baldur is the God of light and the most beloved Aesir

In Gods and Creatures by Skjalden

Baldur (also Baldr or Balder) is one of the Aesir in Norse mythology, Baldur is so bright that light shines from him. Baldur is the God of light and purity in Norse mythology and all the Gods praise him for his beauty. Baldur is so beautiful that even the most beautiful flowers bows before him, as he walks past them. Baldur is also one of the wisest of the Aesir and is the fairest-spoken and most gracious.

Baldur’s family

Baldur is the second son of Odin and Frigg, he has many brothers one of them is the Thunder God Thor. Baldur is married to the Goddess Nanna and together they have a son named Forseti. Together with his wife Nanna they live in his house Breidablik in Asgard. The house is the most beautiful house in Asgard and only the purest of the pure can enter it.

The roof of Baldur’s house is made from decorative silver, standing on beautiful decorative pillars. One of Baldur’s most precious possessions is the amazing ship called Hringhorn and it is described as the “greatest of all ships”. At Baldur’s death, the ship was used at his funeral pyre after he was killed by a mistletoe.

baldur in hel
Baldur in Hel
baldur in hel
Baldur in Hel