In Norse mythology, the wind originates from the great eagle called Hraesvelg “Hræsvelgr” (corpse gulper) who sits at the northern end of heaven. When Hraesvelg flaps his wings, to take …
Elves in Norse mythology
The elves (Old Norse: álfar, singular, álfr) are divine beings in Norse mythology. Not much is known about them, but they have some form of connection to the Aesir and …
Dwarves are the best blacksmiths in Norse mythology
The dwarves (Old Norse: dvergar, singular, dvergr) are creative and skillful beings in Norse mythology. They came into existence from the rotting flesh of the giant Ymir. When the Aesir …
The Vanir: The Ancient Deities of Fertility and Magic in Norse Religion
The Vanir gods are one of the oldest gods in Norse mythology. They are considered fertility gods, representing the power behind the cycle of nature. The greatest of them is …
Valkyries are female beings who bring those who died bravely in the battle to Valhalla and Fólkvangr
In Norse mythology, a Valkyrie (Old Norse: Valkyrja, plural Valkyrjur.) are female humans (possible former nobles), or female Jötnar who has been chosen by Odin to serve. Their role is …