1. When was Harald Bluetooth born
Harald Gormsson Bluetooth was born in 928, in a little town called Jelling in Denmark.
2. Why was Harald called Bluetooth?
It is unclear why Harald had the nickname Bluetooth, but there are some speculations about why. One of these rumors is that he had a bad tooth, that had turned black/blue. Another rumor is that he loved to eat blueberries or licorice. However, we do actually not know how he got his nickname Bluetooth, they are all just old stories and rumors.
3. Harald went on raids
Harald raided in his younger years on the British Isles together with his brother. However, his brother died, which eventually lead to Harald being appointed the next King by his father, Gorm the old.
4. How long did Harald Bluetooth reign
Harald Bluetooth was the King of Denmark from 958 until his death in 986.
5. Who was Harald’s wife
Harald was married to Tove, who became the first Queen of Denmark.
6. Harald’s children
Harald Bluetooth had two daughters, Thyra and Gunhild, but also a son named Hakon. There are rumors that he also had a son named Svend with a woman named Aesa from Fyn in Denmark. This is however not something that can be confirmed, and might just have been rumored.
7. Harald Bluetooth was a Christian
Harald converted to Christianity after he saw the Monk Poppo, carrying a red-hot iron glove in his hands, without getting burned.
8. The Danes were united into one country
Harald Bluetooth has been credited with uniting the Danes into one Kingdom called Denmark. Which can be read on the Jelling stone, that can be visited at the church in Jelling.
9. The Jelling stone
It was Harald Bluetooth who ordered the Jelling stone to be erected in the city of Jelling. This runestone was a symbol of the unification of Denmark, and it was made so everyone, especially the Roman-German emperor, could see that the Danes were now Christians.
10. How did Harald Bluetooth die?
Harald Bluetooth’s son, Sweyn Forkbeard, started a rebellion that led to his father’s death in 986. According to the sagas, he died in Jormsborg which, today, is located in the northern part of Poland.