A saga is a story that comes from old traditions in the Nordic regions. These stories were first told by mouth and passed down through generations before they were written. …
Thor and Loki Journey to the land of the giants
Many seasons ago Thor and Loki were traveling together on Thor’s chariot pulled by his two goats. When the sun began to set, they came to a house of a …
The Mead of Poetry
Aegir asked Bragi what is the origin of poetry? Bragi replied, that the origin of poetry is when the Aesir was at war with the Vanir, and the two sides …
Otter’s Ransom: The Rhinegold & Sigurd the Dragon Slayer
Why is gold called Otter’s ransom? Many seasons ago Odin, Loki, and Hoenir were traveling to learn more about the world. They came to a river and walked along its …
The Death of Baldur
After many weeks of having dreams about his life being in danger, Baldur, the God of light, finally told it to the Aesir at a council meeting. Because Baldur is …